SMi Source Lesson Alzheimer's Disease: Epidemiology of Dementia
The lesson teaches the following:
Microlearning Topics
SMi Source lesson Alzheimer's Disease: Epidemiology of Dementia has the following microlearning topics
1. Learning Objectives
2. Introduction: Incidence and Prevalence of Dementia
3. Epidemiology of Dementia
4. Longitudinal Studies: Observational Cohort and Case-Control
5. Longitudinal Studies: Age-Associated Diseases
6. Prevalence of Dementia Worldwide: DAD
7. Prevalence of Dementia Worldwide: DAD, Vascular, or Other Dementia
8. Incidence of Dementia
9. Risk Factors for AD
10. Non-modifiable Risk Factors: Age, Gender and Family History
11. Ethnicity
12. Genetics: Familial DAD
13. Genetics: Sporadic DAD - Isoform ApoE4
14. Genetics: Sporadic DAD - Newly Discovered Genes and Down Syndrome
15. Hypertension
16. Metabolic Syndrome, Oxidative Stress and Inflammation
17. Obesity and Hyperlipidemia
18. Hyperlipidemia and Diet
19. Exercise, Smoking, and Depression
20. Low Education Level Increases Risk for Dementia
21. Marriage and Supplement Use (NSAIDs, Nutraceuticals)
22. Environmental Exposures
23. Summary: Epidemiological Research