SMi Source Lesson Alzheimer's Disease: Pathology
The lesson teaches the following:
Microlearning Topics
SMi Source lesson Alzheimer's Disease: Pathology has the following microlearning topics
1. Learning Objectives
2. What is Alzheimer's disease?
3. NINCDS-ADRDA Definition of Alzheimer's Disease
4. Progressive Neuronal Dysfunction
5. Brain Areas and Characteristic Features
6. Proteinaceous Deposits
7. Cerebral Cortex Atrophy and Brain Weight
8. Regional Differences in Brain Deposits
9. Overview: Neuropathology of Alzheimer's Disease
10. Neuritic Plaques
11. Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA)
12. Neuroinflammation
13. Neurofibrillary Tangles
14. Granulovacuolar Degeneration and Neuropil Threads
15. Synaptic Loss
16. Neurotransmitter Deficits
17. Receptor Deficits
18. Aβ Peptides
19. Biochemistry
20. Knowledge Check: Identifying enzymes
21. Tau and Neurofibrillary Tangles
22. Synaptic Failure and Synaptic Loss
23. Neuronal Impairment
24. Mitochondrial Dysfunction
25. Insulin Signaling and AD
26. Vascular Effects
27. Clearance of Aβ
28. Inflammation
29. Calcium Regulation
30. Axonal Transport Mechanisms
31. Aberrant Cell-Cycle Re-entry
32. Knowledge Check: Defining the Pathophysiology of Alzheimer?s disease
33. APOE and Cholesterol Metabolism
34. High Serum Cholesterol Levels and AD