SMi Source Lesson Anticoagulation: Health Economics and Outcomes Research
The lesson teaches the following:
Microlearning Topics
SMi Source lesson Anticoagulation: Health Economics and Outcomes Research has the following microlearning topics
1. Introduction
2. Overview and Estimating Healthcare Costs Attributable to AF
3. Kim and Associates Study: National Incremental Costs Incurred by Patients with AF
4. Kim and Associates Study: The Annual Projected National Incremental Cost of AF
5. Total AF, Other Cardiovascular, and Noncardiovascular Costs
6. Cost of AF from a Payer Perspective
7. Knowledge Check: Medical Costs
8. Knowledge Check: National Incremental Cost
9. Overview: Strokes in AF
10. Stroke Risk Based Upon Anticoagulation Use
11. Cost Based Upon Anticoagulation Use
12. Knowledge Check: Strokes
13. Knowledge Check: Strokes in Patients with AF
14. Overview: Antithrombotic Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation
15. Mercaldi and Associates Study
16. Per Patient Cost of Bleeding
17. Ghate and Coworkers Analysis
18. Knowledge Check: Patient Event
19. Knowledge Check: Annual Incremental Cost
20. Summary of Costs for AF, Stroke and Bleeding
21. Comorbidities Commonly Associated with AF
22. Comorbidities Commonly Associated with AF: Wu et al., 1995
23. Comorbidities Commonly Associated with AF: Vascular Disease and CV Risk Factors
24. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in AF Patients
25. Health-Related Quality of Life Studies in Atrial Fibrillation
26. Antithrombotic Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation, Switching Warfarin Formulations, Kwong et al., 2012
27. Kwong and Associates Study
28. Methods Patient Population, Study Design and Endpoints
29. Results: Patient Population
30. Results: Health Care Resource Use Analysis
31. Results: Health Care Resource Use Analysis, Controlled for variables
32. Results: Health Care Cost Analysis - Unadjusted Costs
33. Results: Health Care Cost Analysis - Generic vs. Brand-Only
34. Conclusion: Use and Costs Associated with Switching Warfarin
35. Knowledge Check: The Kwong Study - Patients with Highest Total Cost
36. Knowledge Check: The Kwong Study - Patients with Highest All-Cause Hospitalization
37. Table Summary of Kwong et. al, 2012
38. Overview of VTE
39. Total Cost of VTE
40. Per Patient Cost of DVT and PE
41. Per Patient Cost of Recurrent VTE
42. Incremental Cost of Recurrent VTE
43. Knowledge Check: Per Patient Expense
44. Knowledge Check: Cost Per Patient
45. Summary of Costs for VTE
46. Overview and Incidence of VTE
47. VTE Prevalence Increases with Age
48. Projected VTE Prevalence Increases with Time
49. Comorbidities Commonly Associated with VTE
50. Risk Factors for VTE
51. Risk Categories for VTE
52. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in VTE Patients
53. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in VTE Patients: Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis
54. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in VTE Patients: Post-Thrombotic Syndrome
55. Cost-Effective Analyses Overview
56. Cost-Effective Analyses (CEAs)
57. Harrington Study: Warfarin Compared to NOACs
58. Study Overview: Harrington et al.
59. Methods Patient Population
60. Methods Study Design
61. Methods Endpoints
62. Harrington Study: Results
63. Harrington Study: Conclusions
64. Knowledge Check: Cost-Effective versus Warfarin for Stroke Prevention
65. Knowledge Check: Willingness-To-Pay Threshold
66. Overview: Kansal Study
67. Kansal Study: Study Overview
68. Kansal Study: Methods and Literature Search Strategy
69. Kansal Study: Results
70. Results: Cost-Effectiveness of Factor Xa Inhibitors
71. Kansal Study: Conclusions
72. Knowledge Check: Kansal et al. 2013 Study
73. Mahmoudi and Sobieraj Study: Overview
74. Mahmoudi and Sobieraj Study: Study Overview
75. Methods: Cost-Effectiveness Model
76. Methods: Studies Included in the Analysis and Quality-of-Life Measures
77. Methods Endpoints: Costs
78. Results: Base-Case Analysis and Conclusion
79. Knowledge Check: Mahmoudi and Sobieraj Study - Anticoagulation
80. Knowledge Check: Mahmoudi and Sobieraj Study - Cost Effective
81. Summary of Cost-Effectiveness Studies