SMi Source Lesson Anticoagulation: Thienopyridines
The lesson teaches the following:
Microlearning Topics
SMi Source lesson Anticoagulation: Thienopyridines has the following microlearning topics
1. Learning Objectives
2. Thienopyridines: Introduction
3. Introduction: ADP P2Y12 Receptor Antagonists
4. Introduction: Thienopyridines
5. Ticlopidine: Overview
6. Ticlopidine: Mechanism of Action
7. Ticlopidine: Approved Indications
8. Ticlopidine: Boxed Warning
9. Ticlopidine: Warnings
10. Replaced by Clopidogrel
11. Clopidogrel: Mechanism of Action
12. Clopidogrel: Approved Indications
13. Clopidogrel: Dosage and Administration
14. Clopidogrel: Warnings
15. Clopidogrel: Warnings
16. Drug Interactions and Hyporesponse
17. Genetic Variation
18. Registration Studies
20. CAPRIE: Conclusion
21. CURE Study
22. COMMIT Study
23. CLARITY Study
24. PCI Studies
25. PCI-CURE Study
27. High Loading Dose Studies
29. CURRENT-OASIS 7: Results
31. ALBION Study
32. ARMYDA-2 Study
33. ARMYDA-2: Conclusion
34. Pretreatment Study
35. CREDO Study
36. CREDO: Conclusion
37. Non-ACS (including Stroke) Studies
38. CARESS Study
39. CARESS: Results
40. MATCH Study
41. MATCH: Conclusion
42. CHARISMA Study
43. CHARISMA: Asymptomatic and Symptomatic
44. Prasugrel: Mechanism of Action
45. Prasugrel: Mechanism of Action
46. Approved Indications
47. Dosage and Administration
48. Boxed Warnings
49. JUMBO-TIMI 26 Study
50. JUMBO TIMI 26: Results
51. TRITON-TIMI 38 Clinical Trial
52. Objectives: Testing the Hypothesis
53. Objectives: Primary Endpoints
54. Primary Efficacy and Safety Data
55. Primary Efficacy and Safety Data: Net Clinical Benefit and Conclusion
56. Stent Thrombosis Sub-Analysis
57. Stent Thrombosis Sub-Analysis: Results and Conclusion
58. Early and Late Events (Landmark Analysis): Study Design
59. Early and Late Events (Landmark Analysis)
60. Recurrent Events Data
61. Recurrent Events Data: Results and Conclusion
62. STEMI Population Data
63. STEMI Population Data: Conclusion
64. MI Analysis (Including Universal Definition)
65. MI Analysis (Including Universal Definition): Results
66. MI Analysis (Including Universal Definition)
67. Diabetes Data
68. Diabetes Data: Conclusion
70. PRINCIPLE-TIMI 44: Results and Conclusion
71. Variability of Response: IPA Link to Clinical Outcomes
72. Differences in Active Metabolite Generation
73. Comparative PK/PD
74. Comparative PK/PD: Clinical Implications
75. Key Differences in Plavix® and Effient™ Label