SMi Source Lesson Cardiovascular: Acute Coronary Syndrome
The lesson teaches the following:
Microlearning Topics
SMi Source lesson Cardiovascular: Acute Coronary Syndrome has the following microlearning topics
1. Learning Objectives
2. Introduction: Acute Coronary Syndrome
3. Inflammation and Atherosclerosis: ACS
4. Inflammation and Atherosclerosis: Atherogenesis
5. Inflammation and Atherosclerosis Inflammation, Plaque Rupture, and Thrombosis
6. Risk Factors and Atherosclerosis
7. Risk Factors on the Rise
8. Genetic Predisposition
9. Pathophysiology of Atherothrombosis: Overview
10. Atherogenesis
11. Atherogenesis: Overview
12. Atherogenesis: Lesion
13. Plaque Rupture
14. Thrombus Formation
15. Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS): Overview
17. Presentations of UA/NSTEMI
19. Pathogenesis of ACS
20. Prevalence and Incidence: CVD Statistics
21. Recognition of Symptoms by Patient
22. Diagnosis by Clinician: Management of Patients
23. Diagnosis by Clinician: UA/NSTEMI
24. Diagnosis by Clinician: Treatment of UA/NSTEMI
25. Drug Therapy in ACS: Overview
26. Drug Therapy in ACS: ACC/AHA Guidelines
27. UA/NSTEMI: Anti-Ischemic Therapy
28. Nitrates
29. Beta Adrenergic Blockers
30. Calcium Channel Blockers
31. Inhibitors of Renin-Angiotensin System
32. UA/NSTEMI: Analgesic Therapy: Morphine
33. UA/NSTEMI: Antiplatelet Therapy
34. Thienopyridines: Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP) Receptor (P2Y12) Antagonists
35. Thienopyridines Approved for Antiplatelet Therapy
36. GP IIb/IIIa Antagonists
37. Approved GP IIb/IIIa Antagonists
38. UA/NSTEMI: Anticoagulants
39. Unfractionated Heparin (UFH)
40. Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins (LMWHs)
41. Direct Thrombin Inhibitors
42. Factor Xa Inhibitors
43. Long-Term Anticoagulation (Warfarin/Coumarin)
44. STEMI: Analgesia
45. STEMI: Anti-Ischemic Therapy Beta Blockers
46. STEMI: Reperfusion
47. Facilitated PCI
48. Challenges
49. Classification of Bleeding
50. Need for Standardization of Bleeding Definition
51. Incidence of Bleeding
52. Bleeding Risk
53. Clinical Consequences of Bleeding
54. Independent Predictors of Mortality
55. Transfusion Risks
56. Minimizing Bleeding