SMi Source Lesson Chronic Pain: Pathophysiology of Modulation

  • SMi Source lesson Chronic Pain: Pathophysiology of Modulation has the following microlearning topics

  • 1. Interactivity: Headache and Pain

    2. Pathophysiology

    3. Descending Modulation Animation

  • Lesson Chronic Pain: Pathophysiology of Modulation teaches these concepts

  • Chronic Pain, Pathophysiology, Interactivity: Headache and Pain

  • Lesson Chronic Pain: Pathophysiology of Modulation addresses these key points

  • Headache and Pain

    • Migraine is much more common in women, and tension-type headache is also slightly more common in women.
    • An Aura may precede the headache in migraine.
    • Migraine is pain is usually unilateral and pulsating, whereas tension-type headache is usually bilateral and non-pulsating.
    • Tension-type headache can be classified as episodic or chronic.
    • Migraine may have triggers such as hormonal fluctuation or certain foods.
    • Vasogenic and neurogenic theories are used to explain migraine.
    • Migraine is less common but considerably more disabling.
    • Tension-type headache is more common but less well understood.