SMi Source lesson Diabetes: Type 1 - CGMS Systems has the following microlearning topics
1. Glucose Measurement
Lesson Diabetes: Type 1 - CGMS Systems teaches these concepts
Diabetes, Type I, CGMS Systems, Sensor
Diabetes, Type I, CGMS Systems, Insulin Pump
Lesson Diabetes: Type 1 - CGMS Systems addresses these key points
Different types of continuous glucose monitoring systems share some basic functionality.
Lifespan of the sensor is 3-7 days.
Range of glucose sensed and reported is most commonly 40-400 mg/dL.
All must be calibrated with a fingerstick glucose, generally every 12 hours.
All CGMS systems rely on the patient to administer the insulin dose.
One CGMS system is integrated with an insulin pump, permitting real-time transmission of glucose data for synchronization with pump-programmed protocols to help make insulin dosing decisions.
Not a closed-loop system, and the pump must still be activated manually to deliver the desired insulin dose.