The lesson teaches the following:
HCV Impact and Prevalence, What is Hepatitis?
HCV Impact and Prevalence, The Liver
HCV Impact and Prevalence, Hepatitis C Virus
HCV Impact and Prevalence, HCV Estimated Prevalence and Number Infected by WHO Region
HCV Impact and Prevalence, Hepatitis C Virus Infection in United States
HCV Impact and Prevalence, See For Yourself
Hepat + itis = Liver Inflammation
At least six types of hepatitis viruses:
The Liver:
Hepatitis C:
The former Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. C. Everett Koop, is helping others realize the threat posed by the hepatitis C virus or HCV.
HCV affects large numbers of people worldwide.
The World Health Organization estimates that about 200 million people or 3% of the world's population are infected with hepatitis C virus.
Three to four million persons are newly infected each year.
New infections each year:
Persons ever infected:
Persons with chronic infection:
Deaths from chronic HCV related disease/year:
Number of patients infected will continue to increase at ~20% per year until 2015.
It is believed that the virus may have been spreading as early as the 1960’s through blood transfusions.
Tests were available for the blood supplies in 1992.
Incidence: The number of new cases in a given time frame.
Prevalence: The total number of cases of infected persons.