SMi Source Lesson Psoriasis: Pathophysiology

  • SMi Source lesson Psoriasis: Pathophysiology has the following microlearning topics

  • 1. Introduction: Psoriasis

    2. Potential Factors in the Development of Psoriasis

    3. Overview of Immune Dysregulation

    4. Dermal Dendritic Cell Activation

    5. T Cell Activation

    6. Physiology of Immune System Dysregulation

    7. Physiology of Immune System Dysregulation

    8. Physiology of Immune System Dysregulation

    9. Pathophysiology of Psoriasis

    10. Self-Check: Physiology of Immune System Dysregulation

    11. Self-Check: Epidermal Layers

    12. Types of Psoriasis

    13. Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA)

    14. Psoriatic Arthritis

    15. Summary: Psoriasis

    16. Summary: Psoriasis

    17. Knowledge Check: Psoriasis

  • Lesson Psoriasis: Pathophysiology teaches these concepts

  • Pathophysiology of Psoriasis, Introduction: Psoriasis, Definition of Psoriasis

    Pathophysiology of Psoriasis, Introduction: Psoriasis, Psoriasis Skin Dysregulation

  • Lesson Psoriasis: Pathophysiology addresses these key points

  • Definition of Psoriasis

    • Chronic
    • Immune-mediated
    • Inflammatory
    • Relapsing-remitting
    • Skin and joints

    Interplay between:

    • Genetics
    • Environment
    • Emotions

    Psoriatic Arthritis

    • Inflammatory disease of the joints
    • Associated with psoriasis

    Pathophysiology of Psoriasis

    • Factors that play a role:
      • Disease triggers
      • Immune cells
      • Cytokines
      • The inflammatory response
      • Enhanced growth cycle of skin cells
      • Blood vessels

    Different types of psoriasis

  • Lesson Psoriasis: Pathophysiology is built from these main references. Log into SMi Source for a complete list and details.

  • Menter et al., J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;58:826-850, p 827

    Perera GK, Di Meglio P, O Nestle FO. Psoriasis. Annu Rev Pathol Mech Dis. 2012;7:385-422. (Pg 386, col 1, para 2)

    What is Psoriasis? Available at:
    Accessed 08/09/2012