SMi Source Lesson Multiple Sclerosis: Treatments and Strategies

  • SMi Source lesson Multiple Sclerosis: Treatments and Strategies has the following microlearning topics

  • 1. MS Therapies

    2. Learning Objectives

    3. Currently Approved Therapies: Interferon Beta (IFN beta)

    4. Betaseron/Extavia

    5. Avonex

    6. Rebif

    7. Knowledge Check: Currently Approved Therapies: Interferon Beta

    8. Knowledge Check: Intramuscular Injection of Interferon Beta

    9. Tysabri

    10. Currently Approved Therapies: Tysabri

    11. Pivotal Trials

    12. Knowledge Check: Currently Approved Therapies: Tysabri

    13. Knowledge Check: Leukoencephalopathy

    14. Gilenya

    15. Pivotal Trials: Gilenya


    17. Knowledge Check: TRANSFORMS Trial

    18. Knowledge Check: Currently Approved Therapies: Gilenya

    19. Novantrone, Mitoxantrone

    20. Knowledge Check: Currently Approved Therapies: Novantrone

    21. Aubagio

    22. Pivotal Trials

    23. Knowledge Check: TEMSO Study

    24. Knowledge Check: TOWER Study

    25. Tecfidera

    26. Pivotal Trials CONFIRM (Study 2 in PI)

    27. Tecfidera Safety (as compiled for PI)

    28. Knowledge Check: CONFIRM Study Dose Schedule

    29. Knowledge Check: Tecfidera Adverse Reactions

    30. Proposed Mechanism of Action Summary

    31. Efficacy of Approved Multiple Sclerosis Therapies

    32. Knowledge Check: Summary of Approved Therapies

    33. Emerging Therapies

    34. Emerging Therapies Overview

    35. Emerging Therapies: Alemtuzumab

    36. Emerging Therapies: Ocrelizumab

    37. Emerging Therapies: Peginterferon beta-1a

    38. NU100

    39. Knowledge Check: Emerging Therapies

  • Lesson Multiple Sclerosis: Treatments and Strategies teaches these concepts

  • MS Therapies

  • Lesson Multiple Sclerosis: Treatments and Strategies addresses these key points

  • MS Therapies

    FDA Approved Therapies for MS

  • Lesson Multiple Sclerosis: Treatments and Strategies is built from these main references. Log into SMi Source for a complete list and details.

  • Reardon J and Perumal JS. Review of daclizumab and its therapeutic potential in the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Drug Design, Development, and Therapy. 2013; 7:1187-1193.