SMi Source lesson Pharmacokinetics: PK in Action has the following microlearning topics
1. Learning Objectives
2. Introduction
3. Development of Successful Therapeutic Drugs and The Biology of the Animal and Physicochemical Properties of the Drug Determine Pharmacokinetics (PK)
4. Drug Properties and Biology Determine Route of Drug Administration
5. Basic Pharmacokinetic (PK) Principles
6. Drug Absorption and an Array of Drug Modality Options
7. Mechanisms of Drug Absorption
8. Drug Distribution
9. Factors that Affect Drug Distribution
10. Barriers to Drug Distribution: At the Tissue Site
11. Drug Elimination: Metabolism and Excretion
12. Excretion
13. Summary: Biological and Physiological Determinants of PK
14. Determinants of Pharmacokinetics (PK) and Drug Exposure and Pharmacokinetics
15. Fundamental PK Parameters, Fundamental Exposure PK Parameters, Drug Disposition and Systemic Drug Exposure
16. Systemic Clearance
17. Volume of Distribution
18. Calculation of Vd at Steady State, Bioavailability and Drug Disposition
19. Estimating PK Parameters
20. Summary: Pk Parameters
21. Knowledge Check: Drag and Drop
22. Knowledge Check: PK Parameters
23. Utility of PK Modeling
24. One and Two-compartment Modeling
25. Population PK
26. Population Pharmacokinetics (or PPK)
27. Population PK Approach Enables Sparse PK Sampling
28. Population PK Approach and PK Sampling and Constructing a Population PK Model
29. PK/PD Relationship, Drug Exposure and Pharmacodynamics
30. PK/PD Models Combine
31. Other Uses for PK/PD Modeling
32. Summary: PK/PD Modeling
33. Interactive Exercise: PK Stimulation
34. PK in Action
35. Toxicology: Species Selection
36. PK Prediction
37. Pharmacokinetic Drug-drug Interactions (DD)
38. Drug-drug Interactions: Transporter-mediated
39. Drug-drug Interactions: Transporter-mediated and Clinical Significance