We Invite You to Learn More.

Have a look at these resources to learn more about real-world application of our training solutions.

Training CRAs for Clinical Trials

Improve clinical competency by optimizing the quality of clinical trial training for research assistants. Learn how CRA training can help drive trial data management and reduce protocol deviations.


Online Access to Medical Education - SMi Source

Our online library features thousands of resources on diseases and treatments designed to improve the clinical competency of medical staff. Explore medical and life science topics from anywhere, on any device.


Medical Education Programs for Life Science Organizations

Explore how our medical education services can improve clinical competencies. Access our eLearning disease and treatment topics to educate and train your workforce in a complete mobile environment.

online medical science microlearning

Mobile Medical Microlearning

Support the medical education of your organization by engaging in microlearning through our online library of disease and treatment topics. Access specific modules from anywhere at any time.


Investigator Meetings & Site Initiation Visits Transformed

How can we improve clinical trial training to be flexible while meeting the diverse needs of study teams and site staff, so that sites can do a better job conducting the study? ScienceMedia created the ideal solution for these trying times, and beyond: SMi Trial.


Sponsor Completes Trial 7 Months Early

This case study examines the difficulties a CRO encountered and features SMi Trial's impact on cutting costs, time-to-market, screen failures, and reducing deviations.


Custom Medical Training Solutions - A Commercial Case Study

Train field sales representatives on the road by creating custom medical microlearning programs for product launches. Explore how one pharmaceutical company utilized our online library of disease and treatment topics to train their staff remotely.


Improve Global Clinical Competency - A Pharmaceutical Case Study

Explore how the Training and Development department at a top 5 global pharmaceutical company improved the clinical competencies of their global staff through customized mobile training.


Eliminate Protocol Deviations from Your Clinical Trials

Clinical trial quality management should be a priority for your research team. Avoid protocol deviations and reduce trial costs by optimizing protocol training.


Clinical Employee Training - A Clinical Research Case Study

Creating a customized training course in one day can help quickly train employees during a critical clinical study. Explore how one CRO used our online library to develop cost-effective course training.


Medical Staff Training - A Medical Affairs Case Study

Using mobile microlearning can help train your medical affairs staff through simple, customizable science education programs. Build and deploy critical medical training to MSLs, Field Medical Affairs liaisons, and Medical Information employees.


The Top 6 Failures in MSL Training - and How to Avoid Them

Training programs for medical science liaisons need to keep up with changing medical technology. Utilizing mobile eLearning and interactive science education lessons can help improve your MSL training process.


4 Reasons Why Medical Sales Representative Training Fails

Medical sales representatives should be up to date on the latest in disease and treatment education. Create a mobile training solution that is accessible from anywhere, on any device, to improve the scientific competency of your sales reps.


Clinical Trial Quality Management - How to Prevent Downstream Remonitoring

Eliminating protocol deviations at the start of a clinical trial can mean saving time and money down the road. Improve the data quality of your trial through custom training for trial teams.


Adapt and Innovate: How to Deliver Consistent Medical Training

Integrate medical affairs and commercial sales by creating a technology-based, consistent training solution customized to improve clinical competency across your entire life science organization.


Get in touch with us

Let's talk about transforming your stakeholders' clinical mastery